Dental health day – dental health and dental care in children

Dental Health Day

The dental profession and health insurance companies use the Day of Dental Health to draw attention to how important dental care is for health.

This year the motto is „Healthy starts in the mouth – a heart for teeth!“ The day of action is specifically dedicated to dental care for children.

Dental health – Healthy starts in the mouth

The earlier dental care begins and the more thoroughly it is performed, the greater the chances of healthy teeth and gums.

The action day takes place since 1991 annually on 25. The event takes place on September 1 and aims to raise awareness about prophylaxis, oral hygiene and oral health. However, these three pillars of dental care are not only important one day a year, but throughout life.

The right technique is crucial

Healthy gums and well-groomed teeth not only make for a beautiful smile, but also for health and well-being throughout the body.

Because by periodontitis or caries increases according to Stiftung Warentest the risk to suffer a stroke or heart attack.

Inflammation in the mouth releases substances that are transported through the blood and can lead to inflammation throughout the body.

For prevention it is therefore important to brush your teeth regularly: twice a day for two minutes with toothpaste and well-tried technique – small circles from red to white. Which toothbrush one uses for it, depends completely on oneself.

Stiftung Warentest tested various conventional and electric toothbrushes in August and came to the conclusion that it is above all the right technique that counts.

Electric toothbrushes are only effective if they are guided specifically to all tooth surfaces and interdental spaces and do not just purr listlessly over the teeth.

For manual toothbrushes, hard bristles remove plaque best, while soft bristles are gentlest on sensitive gums.

Medical prevention and treatment

But even the best oral hygiene and the most thorough tooth brushing do not prevent a trip to the dentist. For the annual prophylaxis and the majority of dental complaints such as a loose filling or a pinching nerve, treatment in a dental practice is sufficient.

However, if complicated treatment cases are involved, dental clinics are recommended that cover all dental areas from prophylaxis to implantology and dental surgery.

To avoid an involuntary trip to the dentist’s office or clinic, it’s a good idea to heed the motto of this year’s Dental Health Day: Healthy starts in the mouth.