Formoline L112 – Sustainable weight loss and support for a change of lifestyle

Sustainable weight loss with formoline L112

Many people who have already tried to reduce their body weight permanently know how difficult this is.

Apparently, our body has mechanisms primarily to prevent it from falling into an energy deficit¹.

Weight loss is often followed by renewed weight gain.

This is bound to happen if losing weight has been very arduous and the only consolation is the cream cake that can “finally” be eaten again afterwards.

The best way to avoid this is a long-term change in lifestyle with more exercise, drinking water instead of sweetened beverages and a calorie-conscious diet.

Dietary fats play a special role in reducing calorie intake, since their energy density is about twice as high as that of the other nutrients.

formoline L112 can support the change of lifestyle

Taking formoline L112 can support the lifestyle change, because it binds dietary fats in the digestive tract, thus removing them from utilization by the body.

This effect was clearly demonstrated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled long-term study².

All study participants received advice for more exercise and a calorie-reduced diet, which gave them comparatively much freedom.

Additional exercise and a reduced-calorie diet

This meant that the additional exercise could either be spread over many small courses or done in one piece.

In the diet, emphasis was placed on reducing the energy density of the food and keeping the volume about the same.

Thus with Nudelgerichten less Noodeln and more vegetables should be used, instead of cheese rather Omelette consumed and with Pizza the possibly anyway dry edge cut off.

Thus per day approximately 244 kcal were saved. People who implemented these guidelines were able to lose an average of 8 kg over the course of a year.

This weight reduction could be increased by 50 % with formoline L112. The participants who also took formoline L112 achieved an average weight reduction of just over 12 kg.

This faster weight reduction promotes the motivation to maintain the change in lifestyle.

In this study, only one out of 50 patients on formoline L112 left treatment prematurely, whereas in another study significantly more patients (≥ 35%) discontinued other, known diets before one year had elapsed².

The challenge of maintaining weight for long-term weight loss

Even after a year of transition has passed, the challenge of maintaining weight remains.

The longer the change in lifestyle habits has been practiced, the greater the likelihood that it will be successfully maintained.

This is an advantage of the long-term, slow weight loss compared to a short-term crash diet.

Maintain weight with formoline L112

formoline L112 is also recommended if the desired weight is to be maintained.

When taken at half the dose (2×1 tablet) with the two higher fat meals of the day, formoline L112 supports weight control.

For overweight people from 75 kg body weight, formoline L112 EXTRA with 50% more active ingredient is available since summer 2017.

If you are interested, you are welcome to receive further information material from Certmedica.

¹ M. Müller et al.Why is it difficult to stabilize body weight after weight reduction?? Nutritional Review 3/2018
² Cornelli et al.: Long-term treatment of overweight and obesity with polyglucosamine (PG L112): Randomized Study compared with placebo in subjects after caloric restriction. Current developments in nutrition (2017) DOI: 10.3945/cdn.117.000919
³ Dansinger et al.: Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone Diets for Weight Loss and Heart Disease Risk Reduction. A Randomized Trial. JAMA (2005) 293(1): 43-53. doi:10.1001/jama.293.1.43